Certainty Herbicide - Where to buy Certainty Turf Herbicide - 1.25 Oz - $105.95 for Sale with Fast Free Shipping!







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Certainty Turf Herbicide - 1.25 Oz

Certainty Turf Herbicide - 1.25 Oz
Monsanto Company

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Certainty Turf Herbicide - 1.25 Oz is a selective herbicide for control of annual and perennial grass and broadleaf weeds in highly managed turf sites.

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-$2.00 -$2.50 -$4.00

Certainty Turf Herbicide - 1.25 Oz is a selective herbicide for control of annual and perennial grass and broadleaf weeds in highly managed turf sites.

This product is a postemergence, systemic herbicide with limited soil residual activity.

It provides postemergence control of many annual and perennial sedges, grass and broadleaf weeds on highly managed turf, sod farms and native grass sites.

It is a selective herbicide that can be used over the top of many perennial warm-season and selected cool-season turfgrasses.

Active Ingredient : Sulfosulfuron 75% 

This product generally has been shown to be safe for use on the warm-season turfgrasses listed below

  • Bermudagrass (common or hybrid)
  • Bahiagrass
  • Buffalograss
  • Centipedegrass
  • Kikuyugrass
  • St. Augustinegrass
  • Seashore paspalum
  • Zoysiagrass

Using 1.25 oz. per acre you should receive good control of the following sedges

  • Kyllinga, false green
  • kyllinga, fragrant
  • kyllinga, green
  • Nutsedge, purple (commonly known as "nutgrass")
  • Nutsedge, yellow (commonly known as "nutgrass)
  • Sedge, globe
  • Sedges, annual

Tall fescue control is obtained when this product is applied at 1.25 oz. per acre followed by a second application 21 to 28 days after the the 1st application.  If a single application is desired, apply this product at 2.0 oz per acre (as described on the product label)

Dallisgrass Supression in Bermudagrass can also be expected, and is often times desired.  Follow label directions.  One of the toughest weeds to control Buttonweed can also be supressed with Certainty turf herbicide. 

Annual bluegrass control in non-overseeded turf can be expected, and is often times desired.

Use hand-held sprayer or pump sprayer with 1~3 of small scoop or 1~2 large scoop per 1,000 sq.ft. per 2 gallon of water (small/large scoop provided) for spot control.

Additional weeds listed for control or supression are

  • Barley, little
  • Bedstraw, catchweed
  • Bentgrass, creeping
  • Bluegrass, roughstalk
  • Bluegrass, bulbous
  • Burweed, lawn
  • Buttercup
  • Chickweed, common
  • Clover, white
  • Crowfootgrass
  • Dandelion
  • Garlic, wild
  • Geranium, Carolina
  • Henbit
  • Ivy, ground
  • Johnsongrass
  • Mustard, wild
  • Pennycress, field
  • Quackgrass
  • Ryegrass, perennial
  • Sheperd's-purse

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Eddie MABE
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Great product works as stated. Best price here at Pestsrong

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Eddie MABE
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Best price online from Pestrong, product works as stated. highly recommend

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After fighting poa annua for the last few years it is good to find something that works. It seems expensive for such a small amount of product, but the amount used per gallon of water is so small it is cost effective. Works much better than the atrazine I used before. Great product and produced results in only 2 weeks.

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Yep, this was the best price I found for Certainty. Unfortunately the product had absolutely no effect on ANY of the weeds in my yard. I don't know if the product is old, or...?! Re-treated with absolutely no effect. I can say with "Certainty" this was a total waste of $88!

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Nicholas PAYNE
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Safe on grasses. Great on sedges. Low use rate. Best price out there

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I have used certainty over bermudagrass to kill poa and sedge together plus some broadleaf weeds like colver bonus. Easy to use into the tank sprayer.

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I found certainty here, lowest price.....Thanks.

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