Spike 20P - Where to buy Spike 20P Pelleted Pasture Herbicide - 5 Lb - $99.95 for Sale with Fast Free Shipping!







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Spike 20P Pelleted Pasture Herbicide - 5 Lb

Spike 20P Pelleted Pasture Herbicide - 5 Lb
Dow AgroSciences LLC

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Spike 20P Pelleted Pasture Herbicide - 5 Lb is a Pre-emergent and Post-emergent Herbicide for woody plant, tree and shrubs.

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-$4.00 -$5.00

Spike 20P Pelleted Pasture Herbicide - 5 Lb is a Pre-emergent and Post-emergent Herbicide for woody plant, tree and shrubs.

A soil-active product, Spike 20P is applied to the soil surface by ground equipment and enters plants only through the roots. Spike 20P has active ingredient (tebuthiuron 20%), a formulation applied as a pellet.

If you want to dry flowable formulation mixed with water, Use Spike 80DF.

Spike 20P is intended for control of unwanted woody vegetation such as trees, shrubs and vines.

Treatment Method : Granular Ground Broadcast, Granular Aerial Broadcast, Granular Spot

Rate : 3.75-20 pounds per acre (1.36-7 ounces per 1,000 square feet)

  • Works from the roots up to control brush
  • Premium long-lasting control of the toughest brush species
  • Controls big sage, shinnery and other oaks, tarbush and creosote bush
  • Ideal for sagebrush thinning and brush sculpting programs
  • Enhances grazing and wildlife habitat
  • Use on rangeland, pastures, clearings for wildlife and other non-cropland areas
  • Apply any time the soil is not frozen or saturated with moisture

*Be careful spike 20P will kill tree and shrubs.

*Not for residential use.

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richard HUNTER
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best herbicide for trees and shrubs it's pre and post emergent, meaning it will kill the trees or shrubs that are already grown so be careful so you don't want to kill off trees by mistake.

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