Alion Herbicide - Where to buy Alion Herbicide Preemergent in Crops Indaziflam - Qt - $569.95 for Sale with Fast Free Shipping!







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Alion Herbicide Preemergent in Crops Indaziflam - Qt

Alion Herbicide Preemergent in Crops Indaziflam - Qt
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Alion Herbicide Preemergent in Crops Indaziflam - Qt provides effective, long-lasting weed control in Citrus, Fruit, Grapes, Stone Fruit, Pome Fruit, Tree Nuts, and Olives.

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Alion Herbicide Preemergent in Crops Indaziflam - Qt provides effective, long-lasting weed control in Citrus, Fruit, Grapes, Stone Fruit, Pome Fruit, Tree Nuts, and Olives.

This is Agriculture Label of Esplanade 200 SC Herbicide. (Same ingredient, but different label)

Easy-to-use, Alion features a low-use rate and can be applied up to 14 days before harvest (7 days for citrus) with results lasting up to six months. When applied with a contact herbicide such as Rely 280, the mixture provides initial burndown of emerged weeds and extended residual control.


Superior broad-spectrum control of more than 75 weed species


  • Longer-lasting - Up to six months of grass and broadleaf weed control. 

  • Broad-Spectrum Control - Offers broad-spectrum control of grass and broadleaf weeds.

  • Unique Chemistry - Brings a unique chemistry that controls even glyphosate-resistant weeds.

  • More Profits -Allows producers to focus more on profitability and less on weeds.


Active ingredient : Indaziflam -- 19.05%

Rate : 3.5 - 7 oz per 100 gallons of water per acre (see label for details)


Do not exceed 10 oz per acre per year.

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clarence mar
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Came back for more, Great product!

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good stuff, came back for more.

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clarence mar
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Great product. Gets rid of spiders and fire ants ( usually in a few days.

Best fire ant killer we have ever used!

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